Tuesday, April 5, 2016

The Urban Legend of Robinson's Snake Revealed

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One of the most famous urban legend in the Philippines was the mutant snake on Robinson's Mall. Another video was posted again 2 years ago entitled "Robinson's snake is dead."  The video get more or lrss 438,000 views since it was posted.

Robinson Corporations has been denied this for the past few years.

This legend of the Robinson snake have several versions. Some of them says that the snake was Robinson's tycoon. John Gokongwei's son and twin of Robina Gokongwei-Pe.

Some version were the snake was a female and laying golden eggs which was the source od the Gokongwei's income. One version stated that the family was keeping the snake to be more successful in their business and the snake will chose from the women in dressing rooms to eat.

Alice Dixson was one of snake's almost-victims but allegedly paid a high amount to keep her mouth shut.
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